Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To Dylan Rider, 18 Months

My second-born, sweet-spirited child,
You are 18 months now and such a delight to be around. Words can't even express the joy that you inspire within my heart each day. When you wake up in the morning you are so excited to see me or daddy, huge smile on your face and ready to go...jumping up and down in your crib like it's a trampoline (sometimes I think you're going to bounce right out!). I call you my bottomless pit because you LOVE to eat and you would eat all the time if I let you. Your favorite foods are eggs with cheese, yogurt, bananas, and applesauce and you can be quite demanding when you are hungry and want your food in front of you! The other day you decided that you love to spin in much that you spin...and you spin...and you spin until you are so dizzy that you can't even walk anymore. At first I was concerned, but I've accepted this hilarious little quirk and get a good laugh every time you run into the wall. =) There must be something about running into things that intrigues you because you also love to cover your head with your blanket and walk around the room, pulling it off and revealing an adorable grin to my "peek-a-boo". What a silly boy you are.

You adore your big brother (even though he steals toys from you constantly and likes to tackle you with a running start) and there is no one who makes you laugh quite like he can. You both love to run with each other, chasing back and forth and bouncing off the couches. We don't have much room in our humble home but you guys find a way to exert all of your energy in the space that we do have. I love seeing you run to-and-fro like crazy, laughing your heads off and rapidly becoming the best of friends. The other day Jude was gone for the day and you didn't know what to do with missed him that much. You will never remember life without your big brother and my prayer is that you two always continue to be close friends. You have the sweetest little voice that I never want to forget. You say "Mama" (sounds like Ma-moo) and "Daddy" and "Gook" (book) and "Ju-Ju" (jude) and "Night-night". You love to snuggle and have your back scratched (you are like your Daddy that way!) and you love playing outside. You would go outside and spend hours out there regardless of weather if I let you.

You have a new baby sister and you have been doing really well with the transition. As your mama I worry that your not getting enough attention, but I think we're figuring that all out pretty well. We find little moments within each day where we can snuggle or read and I cherish those little pockets of time. You love to bring toys and drop them in Quinn's bouncy seat and you pet her head gently and say "awww". Already you are gentle and loving towards her and this tells me you will always be her doting, protective big brother. One of your favorite books is Goodnight Moon and we love to cuddle with you in your rocking chair and read this to you before you go to bed every night. Even now you have a love for reading and will sit contentedly for awhile and flip through all of your picture books. I pray this love for reading will continue for the rest of your life.

Our precious Dilly-Bar, you bless us constantly with your sweet belly laughs and mischievous smiles, your screams, and "sassy" attitude. Our love for you grows each day as we watch you grow, in awe of the person you are becoming. It's only been a year and a half, but it feels like a lifetime of love.

Lovingly, Mama


  1. What a precious letter! I loved seeing him in B's hoodie! Sooo cute!! Love him and you!

  2. I cried!!! I wiped tears three times. Oh Dylan, how sweet you are!

    I had to laugh because he and Norelei must be speaking telepathically. She is the same way with the crib jumps, the new spinning in circles, the eating! <3 Dylan!

  3. Happy 18 Month Dylan! What a sweet boy!! And that Mama of his is doing a great job too!
